Serra Company WebCareHealth Acquired by Coachcare

WebCareHealth, a Serra III (SBIC) Fund portfolio company has been acquired by CoachCare, a leading remote patient monitoring (RPM) and virtual health company. The acquisition represents CoachCare’s third acquisition in eight months.

Founded in 2013, WebCareHealth’s expertise will add unique at-home international normalized ratio (INR) blood testing and monitoring capabilities to CoachCare’s suite of RPM, chronic care management and other services.

One of the fastest growing digital health offerings, by 2027, worldwide RPM growth could rise from $53.6B to $175.2B - with factors like the growing older adult population and the monitoring of specialized medicine to patients in between physician office visits.

"This acquisition bodes well for the shareholders of WebCareHealth as CoachCare is growing rapidly in the very hot space of virtual health technology. We offer our congratulations to CEO Teresa Sieck and her team, and we look forward to CoachCare's success!", commented Tim Hoerr, Serra Ventures Managing Partner.


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